Monday, May 5, 2008

i'm back.......let's make up for lost time!

ok, can i get a sigh of relief *or a blood-curdling scream, not sure which* to those of you who've been waiting for new posts.... well, at least i hope some people like to read about my spinning mishaps!

a quick run-down of the computer problems: some of the programs needed a spring cleaning, and because my husband is a music junkie, he needed to install stupid limewire, which, for the record, i was absolutely opposed to *whose husband listens here? no hands raising? that's what i thought* this of course led to "5 or 6 trojan horse viruses" the computer expert says, in his own words, with NO prompting from me, of course! i'm not even going to say anything! B U T, it's all fixed now, and we're back to our daily news!

so, as you can imagine, my brain is swimming trying to think of where to start first.... i have no sense of time and have a hard time remembering what i ate for breakfast yesterday, but there is actually some pretty BIG news!

my majacraft mini combs came in!!! i was so excited to get them, and luckily, i had that beautiful targhee fleece all nice and washed, just waiting to be played with! so i slapped some on the combs... and it was so easy! i was surprised, having a minimal knowledge of how to use them. but i think old school spinners want new spinners to be scared of more advanced tools and techniques. the process is easy, i'm just the kind of person that likes to read things a million times, until i fully understand! and i like to build the anticipation...there are few things in a person's daily life that bring that much joy!

the complete set, with wool on combs, top after dizzing, the actual diz and threader, and the wooden box that clamps one comb to the table to aid in pulling the wool off the comb *set also comes with a C-clamp and comb holders*

so, the wool was amazing before even being washed, so once combed it was just spectacular! and i'm happy to report that although i thought i hadn't done a very good job scouring my fleece, the combing took out the dirt and the little vm that remained after my 10 washings! *i know, who has to wash a fleece that many times?...only me!* so after pulling the combed wool through the diz, it was pure white, like virgin skin, and light as a feather! i was really impressed, i heard combs were good, but i didn't expect them to be that good!

i've only found one disadvantage so far: being mini combs, they do make very small strips of roving, leading to more tiny balls of roving than i know where to put. if i knew how much MORE wool you could process on regular combs, i probably would've bought those instead, considering i buy more than a pound at a time of base yarn wool at a time *i'll buy smaller batches of wool, but more for accents in a yarn*

closer look of top wound into little balls. the big ball was only made after filling the comb to capacity *which you're not supposed to do* the smaller ball is about the average amount i can efficiently comb in about 3 passes.

but i love them all the same. and of course, being from majacraft they are made from the same beautiful rimu wood as my little gem. so they are also aesthetically pleasing. and, surprisingly, the one thing majacraft doesn't say about their combs is that the tines aren't sharp! i think louet is the only company who states this in the product description for their combs, and rightly so because it's a big freakin deal, especially for people with kids! so i was happy to have that extra safety feature.

i will be posting more frequent but shorter installemnts than usual to make it easier to read *i hate super-long posts on blogs*

let's make up for lost time!

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