so, i love thrift stores! i love everything about them.... but the part i love most is finding the ugliest weirdest stuff that nobody would dare buy *that ugly dress that's been drooping off the hanger since 1984* and knowing that i can take it home, cut it to pieces and give it a new life! it is worth saying, however, that because i live in such a small town, it is rare that i find good stuff. you know, in like austin i bet they have the sickest thrift stores ever!!!! but, it is also worth saying that, because this tiny crappy town is a retirement town, and there's nothing to do here, most of the senior citizen's hang out at a place called the dietert claim center, where they do crafting classes and groups of all kinds. and so, this is where it gets morbid, when these people "move on" they have usually told their family to DONATE ALL THEIR GREAT STUFF to the dietert claim, who also happens to run a thrift store for profit. and for a small town, there are alot of thrift store, and the local hospice ALWAYS has tons of craft stuff and fabric. so anyways, we're all helping each other here!
although i rarely have time to go, i finally got my chance last week! i got some pretty good stuff, some light blue and orange lace trim from the 70's, some scarves *not sure of their age, they don't look too old, but one of them looks hand dyed!* and some weird lilac/mauve colored tacky irridescent sparkly lace fabric from the 80's. it's horrible as fabric, but i think will look great cut up in small pieces and spun into a yarn!

clockwise from top left: white head scarf with black paisley patterns and red edging, red to pick head scarf *the hand-dyed looking one*, the horrible purple 80's fabric, and the two lace trims, which are actually guite lovely!

i did the close up here, because i wanted you to be able to see the structure of the lace, i'm not a big lace person, but this one really speaks to me, and the colors look weird in the photo, but my house has crappy yellow lighting, they're pretty in person :X
and now, drum roll, please, this is my all-time best thrift store buy EVER!!! i found a piece of undone needlework, better yet, never started, it was an iron-on design, and more than one sheet of designs were on the one piece, but not even one stitch was ever made! it's a small design printed on some crappy muslin, but the design is so cute! it's a little deer standing under a tree with these sort of jacobian stylized flowers, it's amazing! it reminds me of something aimee ray would design *from 'doodle stitching' fame* she's amazing! but i will warn you, the pictures didn't turn out great, because the iron-on ink has faded out somewhat, so i hope you can make it out!!! it didn't occur to me, until just this second, that i could've ironed them first! i'm sure there will be many more pictures to come, i will post if i start working on it, i'm not sure what to do with it yet, i don't know if i should copy the pattern and leave this one untouched, or stitch on the vintage one and take the risk of ruining it?

you can see the deer standing under the tree/flower thingy, with the rolling grasses beneath him. the red ink is the original pattern and the blue is an add-on, this would be another good reason to just copy the pattern, and not use the original, because they sort of don't go together. if anyone reading this knows where to get things like this, either this type of pattern *scenes* and or prints on cloth, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE!!!!
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